Andrew Klager
Jun 16, 20212 min read
Resurrection and Revenge
In an alternate universe, we could have had a gospel account in which, in the forty days after his resurrection and before his ascension...
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Jim Forest
Feb 14, 20195 min read
Tell the Truth, Don’t Be Afraid
Just hours before his crucifixion, at prayer in the presence of his disciples, Jesus told his Father that he was no more of this world but t
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Andrew Klager
Dec 26, 20182 min read
“Bethlehem has opened Eden: come, let us see”
“Bethlehem has opened Eden: come, let us see.” (Orthodox Kontakion of the Nativity) After his brief historiographical preamble, St. Luke beg
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Fr. Richard Rene
Apr 19, 20182 min read
All Scapegoats Become Jesus
The heart of the Christian Gospel is the conviction that God fully reveals Himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth hung on a tree as curse outs
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Ted Grimsrud
Jan 22, 20182 min read
There’s Power in the Blood: The Key to the Book of Revelation
In Revelation five, Jesus is shown to be the Messiah who can open the great scroll. “For you were slain and by your blood you ransomed for G
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